Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Talking Sea Lion Found on Pier 39

San Francisco, CA – Spotting a sea lion on Pier 39 is not an unusual site but what passerby’s witnessed last Sunday afternoon was a site for sore eyes.  This sea lion stood out slightly more than the others.  A local passerby described what he saw; “It was insane! He was talking and doing a one-man show…or a one ‘sea-lion’ show.  I felt like I was in a kid’s movie.” 

The sea lion was about 20 feet from where the pier meets the water by the corner of the pier.  Another spectator described what she saw; “he was singing while juggling fish.  I don’t really know what he was singing but it was really good…had a deep voice.” 

A marine biology student, Susan Stein, from San Francisco State University gave her best estimate that it was a green sunfish that the sea lion was juggling.  She also predicted that despite the sea lion’s deep tone, she was female. 

While our sea lion friend had no sea lion spectators, she was certainly bombarded with humans surrounding her act.  She even promised that she would be back next Sunday at 1:00 pm with CD’s for sale.

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