Friday, February 3, 2012

Hand Sanitizer Now Kills 100.00% of Germs

Akron, Ohio – Since 1996, GOJO Industries has been producing Purell hand sanitizer that kills 99.99% of germs.  As effective as that is, people are still getting sick.  Killing 99.99% can only do so much when we still have .01% of germs crawling around our bodies, infecting us in every which way. 

Let’s use a scenario to describe this - you sneeze into your hands before cleaning them with Purell.  Then you go to a job interview and shake your potential future boss’s hand.  If you had one million germs on your hand before you used Purell, after killing 99.99%, you still have 100 germs on you.  You will be infecting your future boss, guaranteed. 

GOJO has solved the problem.

Released earlier this week was a new hand sanitizer that kills 100.00% of germs.  This is a new revelation toward science and health.  Joe Kanfer, CEO of GOJO Industries believes this will help prevent illness across the country and eventually the world; “this could be the solution to the problem.  Think about it.  Before you still had bacteria on your hands but now you won’t.  You will have 0.00% of germs remaining on your hands.”

If other hand sanitizer-producing companies will be able to reproduce this magical way of science remains a mystery for now.

GOJO did not even stop there.  At an inside look we got in the factory, we were given a sneak peak on a new foot sanitizing spray that will eliminate 100.00% of stinky feet smell.