Friday, April 1, 2016

Donald Trump Running For President Was Elaborate April Fools Prank

Washington D.C.  -  The idea had begun on April Fools Day back in 2014. [Donald] Trump and [Hillary] Clinton were out to breakfast at their local favorite, the Blue Duck Tavern. In an exclusive interview with Donald Trump, he explained what happened next.

Trump explained "Hil [lary Clinton] said to me that there's no way I could beat her in the next presedential election. I told her I wouldn't run against her anyway - she's my little buddy. As I got closer to finishing my second raspberry waffle, the friendly compettion began heating up and we decided there was no reason not to try and settle the argument of who would beat who in the 2016 election. I figured once people catch on that the idea of me running for president must be a joke, we would just admit that it was a hilarious April Fools Prank I'd reveal on my TV show "The Plentiful Madness" that was originally supposed to debut last October."

Later in the interview, Trump told us that the loser of the bet [the presidential election] would owe the winner a Chipotle burrito with extra meat. "A while passed and I actually started getting supporters and winning primaries. We've got a lot of video footage of all of my supporters and we're currently putting together a Truman Show-like movie based on the lives my supporters have been living the past couple years," Trump told us.

Trump did think about actually continuing past April 1, 2016 to finish the bet and see if he could take home the burrito, but being President for the next 4 years was "probably going to be a lot of work," Trump exclaimed. "After Chipotle's whole fiasco with the e-coli, they sent me a coupon in the mail for a free burrito, and that made me realize that actually going through the next four years of presidency was not worth having Hillary buy me one," Trump concluded the interview with.

Well there you have it, folks. I think a lot of us saw this coming. It was also reported to us that all of the votes Trump has received from his primary will be split between Cruz and Kasich based on the results of a several games of Duck-Duck-Goose.